Quincy UMC Worship 9:30-10:30 am ….. Mont Alto UMC Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 11:00-Noon Loretta McClure, CLMC “Fifth Sunday Mission Offering”
Mont Alto UMC Fifth Sunday Mission Offering: The Fifth Sunday offering for the month of October will go to the Neighborhood Center of the United Methodist Church in Harrisburg. The Neighborhood Center builds a vital community by serving and empowering children, youth and families. They are committed to being a Center of Christian life, love health and inspiration. They are also committed to the concept of living and learning in a Christian community and to maximizing both individual potential and community empowerment. Services provided include a Licensed Child Care Center, a Caring Closet for those in need of clothing and other items, a Diaper Bank for single parent families or for those in need and Community and Family Events to build and empower greatness. Please use the Fifth Sunday Mission Offering Envelopes that are located on the table at the rear of the Sanctuary and not the Fifth Sunday Envelopes that are included in your box of Church envelopes. Checks should be made payable to Mont Alto United Methodist Church.
Quincy UMC Worship 9:30-10:30 am ….. Mont Alto UMC Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 11:00-Noon Loretta McClure, CLMC COMMUNION
COMMUNION: Our communion table is open to all without regard to membership, denomination or church affiliation. All are welcome to participate.